Canadian Firearms Safety & Hunter Education Courses
Canadian Firearms Safety Course Outline:
- Introduction to Firearms
- Muzzleloaders
- Major Firearm Parts
- Basic Firearms Safety
- Ammunition
- Operating Firearms Actions
- Safe Handling and Carrying of Non-Restricted Firearms
- Firing Techniques and Procedures
- Care of Non-Restricted Firearms
- Social Responsibilities
- Safe Storage, Display, Transportation and Handling of Firearms
- Practical handling of various non-restricted firearms during course with loading and unloading of ammunition (all firearms and ammunition are disabled)
- Written Test: 50 Questions; 33 true and false; 17 multiple choice.
- Practical Test: done one-on-one with instructor, demonstrating knowledge of ammunition, safe handling of 3 action types (chosen at random from 5 different action types)
- Both tests require minimum of 80% to pass.
- Minimum age to take the course is 12 years
Ontario Hunter Safety Course Outline:
- Responsible Hunting; Respect
- Wildlife Management; Ecosystems, Habitat, Food, Water, Cover, Space, Carrying Capacity
- Wildlife Laws; Conservation Officers, most important safety laws
- Rifles, Shotguns and Muzzleloaders (not included if taken with the CFSC)
- Bowhunting; types of bows, archery equipment, proper technique
- Shooting Skills/Marksmanship; sighting-in, proper aim, shooting positions
- Hunting Safety; alone, in groups, crossing obstacles, clothing,
- Tree stand Safety; equipment,
- Equipment, Survival and First Aid;
- Hunting Techniques; still, stalking, ground blinds, treestands, drives
- Shot Placement and Game Care; vital organs, tracking, field dressing
- Wildlife Identification; identifying features, common mistakes.
Written test only: 50 multiple choice questions (most with pictures), 80% required